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We all have questions.

  • Why are we here?
  • Did life evolve or was it created?
  • Does radiometric dating prove the earth is billions of years old?
  • Can the Bible be trusted?
  • Is Christianity opposed to science?
  • What does God want from us?
  • What is the gospel, really?

Perhaps you’ve had some of these questions yourself. Answers in Genesis provides biblical answers to these and other tough questions about creation, evolution, the culture, and the Bible. This website features thousands of articles covering dozens of scientific and biblical topics, plus media programs, daily devotionals, resources, and much more.

Because there’s such a wealth of information available, we’ve put together a quick “road map” to help you get started.

  • The Answers section is your gateway to thousands of articles on creation, dinosaurs, geology, genetics, Noah’s Flood, and dozens of other scientific and biblical topics. Just click on the Answers link at the top of the page. You can also find articles using the search engine at the top of most pages.
  • The featured articles on our home page provide you with a biblical perspective on current events, scientific topics, and other issues relevant to the Christian faith. See past features in our article archives.
  • Answers Magazine, one of our most popular features, equips readers with practical answers so they can confidently communicate the gospel and biblical authority with accuracy and graciousness. There you will find a collection of articles for all technical levels.
  • Answers Research Journal is our free professional, peer-reviewed technical journal for the publication of interdisciplinary scientific and other relevant research from the perspective of the recent creation and the global flood within a biblical framework.
  • Our events calendar will help you can locate—and even request—an AiG event in your area. Just click on the Events link in the menu above.
  • If you would prefer a more “hands-on” experience, we invite you to visit our Creation Museum near Cincinnati, Ohio. There you can experience the true history of the world and see the evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word. Also, enjoy a zip over or walk around the lake to see our gorgeous grounds and greenhouse; visit the zoo; take in a planetarium show; shop for fair trade items, and more!!
  • The Ark Encounter is a full-size ark and one-of-a-kind historically themed attraction with beautiful botanical gardens, a conference center, zip lines, a VR theater, carousel, and an interactive zoo—all about 40 minutes south of Cincinnati, Ohio. You’ve got to see it to believe it!
  • Prefer to watch or listen from the comfort of your couch? Visit our free media and video sections. We also have many vidoes on our Youtube channels: Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, and Ken Ham, and you can binge on our streaming service, Answers TV (
  • Our Kids section is a great resource for teaching children the accuracy and authority of the Bible. Fun and educational games, activities, videos, and articles help make the history of the world come to life in an engaging way for children.
  • Want more? The AiG Education section contains a plethora of free online resources, including curricula information, online classes, and free study guides and books.
  • If you are interested in our international ministry and materials translated into several languages around the world, be sure to visit our Answers WorldWide section.
  • Our online store has thousands of books, posters, curricula, and other products that discuss creation, evolution, and Bible at a variety of technical levels. You’ll also find homeschool materials, collectibles, and gifts for the whole family. You can access the online store from any part of our site in the menu above.

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