Age of the Earth

The Bible and an Old Earth

Inserting vast ages into the Bible’s first chapter sets it at odds with modern secular scientific opinion regarding the order of events. Old-earthers put land mammals before whales contrary to biblical claims. Many such examples show it is impossible to add long periods of time into the biblical account without seriously damaging the doctrine of inerrancy.

Does the Earth Look Old?

Most people, including Christians, still claim dogmatically that the earth looks old. If we look at the earth through the “glasses” of human reasoning—that only snail-paced present geological processes can explain the past—then the earth does indeed look old. However, that autonomous human reasoning blatantly denies what God’s Word clearly tells us.

Noah’s Flood or Millions of Years, It Can’t Be Both

Either the rock record is the evidence of millions of years, or it is largely the evidence of Noah’s Flood. It can’t be both. If we believe the earth is billions of years old and shows no sign of a worldwide Flood, then that belief contradicts the biblical account of Noah. If we accept God’s testimony regarding the Flood, we cannot logically believe in millions of years.

“Scientific” Arguments for an Old Earth

We commonly hear scientific-sounding arguments that the earth and universe are billions of years old. We are told radiometric dating shows that certain rocks formed billions of years ago. We are told that starlight from distant galaxies takes billions of years to arrive on earth. Do these arguments stand up to scrutiny?

Evidences of a Young Earth

The earth is only a few thousand years old. That’s a fact, plainly revealed in God’s Word. So we should expect to find plenty of evidence for its youth. And that’s what we find in the earth’s geology, biology, paleontology, and even astronomy.

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