Tools for Teaching

Tools for Teaching is a multi-volume series that gives you, the instructor, personal training by one of the world’s most renowned creation speakers. Ken Ham gives you detailed audio instruction on how to present the relevance of Genesis. Along with this personal training by Ken, you will be given a set of PowerPoint illustrations that Ken has personally used all over the world. Whether you’re teaching in a Sunday-school class, homeschool group, adult lecture, youth group study, or Sunday sermon, this is the tool you’ve been looking for. Obtain Tools for Teaching, and begin training for a unique creation outreach to reclaim our culture.


The contents of these volumes are the property of Answers in Genesis, Inc. and its suppliers and are protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. You are granted a non-exclusive license to use the contents of these volumes. You are not authorized to reproduce and distribute these volumes or any of the contents of these volumes outside of the limited exceptions below. Answers in Genesis reserves all rights not expressly granted. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the contents of these volumes, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. These volumes are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular Purpose. You assume the entire risk as to the use of these volumes. Answers in Genesis shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use these volumes, even if Answers in Genesis has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

Illustration Usage Conditions

You must read and agree to the following usage guidelines before using or printing these illustrations. Opening any content from these volumes assumes your agreement to these conditions.

Illustrations may not be duplicated, transferred, or published in print, electronic, or any other formats. Individuals must personally download their own copies of these volumes from Answers in Genesis. The only exceptions include:

  • Publication in church bulletins. (The following credit line must always appear: “© 2024 Answers in Genesis. Used by permission.”)
  • Presentations in lectures (using digital presentation software, transparencies, slides, posters, etc.) for educational purposes only.
  • Illustrations may be livestreamed and recorded only as an auxiliary component of a lecture for educational purposes, and the following credit line must always appear: “© Answers in Genesis. Used by permission.

Do not alter the image(s) in any way, including the copyright notice. This notice must always be visible when presenting the illustration(s) in any format.*

* In making use of the illustrations contained in Tools for Teaching volumes, you hereby acknowledge that Answers in Genesis is the owner of the illustration(s) and any attendant copyright, and agree that your use of the illustration(s) will be for educational purposes only. You further agree that you will not alter the illustration(s) in any way without the prior written approval of Answers in Genesis.

You further acknowledge that if Answers in Genesis grants you the right to make alterations to any such illustration(s), Answers in Genesis will be the sole owner of the altered or derivative work, and any attendant copyright.

Volume Contents

Volume 1: The Relevance of Genesis

  • Presentation Files
    • "relevance.ppt"—Fully assembled and ready-to-use “The Relevance of Genesis” PowerPoint presentation (also works in PowerPoint-compatible presentation software).
    • ""—Fully assembled and ready-to-use “The Relevance of Genesis” QuickTime slideshow.
    • "relevance-full-screen.qtl"—Program link for presenting “” full screen.
    • ""—This zip file contains “The Relevance of Genesis” PowerPoint show with embedded audio training from Ken Ham. The PowerPoint show requires PowerPoint 97 or later for Windows, and PowerPoint 2001 or later for Mac OS 9/X.
    • ""—Fully assembled “The Relevance of Genesis” QuickTime video with embedded audio training from Ken Ham.
    • "relevance.pdf"—PDF of all illustrations (one per page) for landscape printing.
    • "relevance-notes.pdf"—PDF of presentation notes.
    Note: QuickTime videos use MPEG-4 video and audio codecs. Playback requires QuickTime 6 or later.
  • Print-Quality Images
    • This zip file contains all images from Ken Ham’s “The Relevance of Genesis” talk as high-quality, high-resolution images large enough for printing on overhead transparencies or other US-letter–sized print media. Also contains the print-quality catalog source file.
    • Image Specifications: 10 x 7 in. maximum dimensions, landscape and portrait, 300 pixels per inch, RGB, maximum-quality compression JPEGs.
  • Screen-Quality Images
    • This zip file contains all images from Ken Ham’s “The Relevance of Genesis” talk as high-quality, medium resolution images suitable for digital presentations (via Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel Presentations, Harvard Graphics, Apple Keynote, etc.). Also contains the screen-quality catalog source file.
    • Image Specifications: 1024 x 768 maximum pixel dimensions, landscape and portrait, 102 pixels per inch (irrelevant for most presentation programs), RGB, maximum-quality compression JPEGs.

Volume 2: Six Literal Days or Millions of Years

  • Presentation Files
    • "six-days.ppt"—Fully assembled and ready-to-use “Six Literal Days or Millions of Years?” PowerPoint presentation (also works in PowerPoint-compatible presentation software).
    • ""—Fully assembled and ready-to-use “Six Literal Days or Millions of Years?” QuickTime slideshow.
    • "six-days-full-screen.qtl"—Program link for presenting “” full-screen.
    • ""—This zip file contains “Six Literal Days or Millions of Years?” PowerPoint show with embedded audio training from Ken Ham. The PowerPoint show requires PowerPoint 97 or later for Windows, and PowerPoint 2001 or later for Mac OS 9/X.
    • ""—Fully assembled “Six Literal Days or Millions of Years?” QuickTime video with embedded audio training from Ken Ham.
    • "six-days-print.pdf"—PDF of all illustrations (one per page) for landscape printing.
    • "six-days-presentation.pdf"—PDF of all illustrations (one per page) for Adobe Reader presentations.
    • "six-days-notes.pdf"—PDF of presentation notes.
    Note: QuickTime videos use MPEG-4 video and audio codecs. Playback requires QuickTime 6 or later.
  • Print-Quality Images
    • This folder contains all images from Ken Ham’s “Six Literal Days or Millions of Years?” talk. They are high-quality, high-resolution images large enough for printing on overhead transparencies or other US-letter–sized print media. Also contains the print-quality catalog source file.
    • Image Specifications: 10 x 7 in. maximum dimensions, landscape and portrait, 300 pixels per inch, RGB, maximum-quality compression JPEGs.
  • Screen-Quality Images
    • This folder contains all images from Ken Ham’s “Six Literal Days or Millions of Years?” talk. They are high-quality, medium resolution images suitable for digital presentations (via Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel Presentations, Harvard Graphics, Apple Keynote, etc.). Also contains the screen-quality catalog source file.
    • Image Specifications: 1024 x 768 maximum pixel dimensions, landscape and portrait, 102 pixels per inch (irrelevant for most presentation programs), RGB, maximum-quality compression JPEGs.

Volume 3: Why Won’t They Listen

  • Presentation Files
    • "listen.ppt"—Fully assembled and ready-to-use “Why Won’t They Listen?” PowerPoint presentation (also works in PowerPoint-compatible presentation software).
    • ""—Fully assembled and ready-to-use “Why Won’t They Listen?” QuickTime slideshow.
    • "listen-full-screen.qtl"—Program link for presenting “” full-screen.
    • ""—This zip file contains “Why Won’t They Listen?” PowerPoint show with embedded audio training from Ken Ham. The PowerPoint show requires PowerPoint 97 or later for Windows, and PowerPoint 2001 or later for Mac OS 9/X.
    • ""—Fully assembled “Why Won’t They Listen?” QuickTime video with embedded audio training from Ken Ham.
    • "listen-print.pdf"—PDF of all illustrations (one per page) for landscape printing.
    • "listen-presentation.pdf"—PDF of all illustrations (one per page) for Adobe Reader presentations.
    • "listen-notes.pdf"—PDF of presentation notes.
    Note: QuickTime videos use MPEG-4 video and audio codecs. Playback requires QuickTime 6 or later.
  • Print-Quality Images
    • This folder contains all images from Ken Ham’s “Why Won’t They Listen?” talk. They are high-quality, high-resolution images large enough for printing on overhead transparencies or other US-letter–sized print media. Also contains the print-quality catalog source file.
    • Image Specifications: 10 x 7 in. maximum dimensions, landscape and portrait, 300 pixels per inch, RGB, maximum-quality compression JPEGs.
  • Screen-Quality Images
    • This folder contains all images from Ken Ham’s “Why Won’t They Listen?” talk. They are high-quality, medium resolution images suitable for digital presentations (via Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel Presentations, Harvard Graphics, Apple Keynote, etc.). Also contains the screen-quality catalog source file.

Volume 4: Fossils and the Flood

  • Presentation Files
    • "flood.ppt"—Fully assembled and ready-to-use “Fossils and the Flood” PowerPoint presentation (also works in PowerPoint-compatible presentation software).
    • ""—Fully assembled and ready-to-use “Fossils and the Flood” QuickTime slide show.
    • "flood-full-screen.qtl"—Program link for presenting “” full-screen.
    • ""—This zip file contains “Fossils and the Flood” PowerPoint show with embedded audio training from Ken Ham. The PowerPoint show requires PowerPoint 97 or later for Windows, and PowerPoint 2001 or later for Mac OS 9/X.
    • ""—Fully assembled “Fossils and the Flood” QuickTime video with embedded audio training from Ken Ham.
    • "flood-print.pdf"—PDF of all illustrations (one per page) for landscape printing.
    • "flood-presentation.pdf"—PDF of all illustrations (one per page) for Adobe Reader presentations.
    • "flood-notes.pdf"—PDF of presentation notes.
    Note: QuickTime videos use MPEG-4 video and audio codecs. Playback requires QuickTime 6 or later.
  • Print-Quality Images
    • This folder contains all images from Ken Ham’s “Fossils and the Flood” talk. They are high-quality, high-resolution images large enough for printing on overhead transparencies or other US-letter–sized print media. Also contains the print-quality catalog source file.
    • Image Specifications: 10 x 7 in. maximum dimensions, landscape and portrait, 300 pixels per inch, RGB, maximum-quality compression JPEGs.
  • Screen-Quality Images
    • This folder contains all images from Ken Ham’s “Fossils and the Flood” talk. They are high-quality, medium resolution images suitable for digital presentations (via Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel Presentations, Harvard Graphics, Apple Keynote, etc.). Also contains the screen-quality catalog source file.


These volumes contain everything you need to present your own talks. Not only do you now have the latest illustrations ready for instant use in PowerPoint and as high-quality images for print, but you also have Ken Ham’s personal instruction to aid you in presenting the “creation” message. We trust that these resources will be vital tools for your ministry, and that they will help you bless, encourage, and strengthen others as they learn to trust the accuracy and authority of God’s infallible Word.

Right-click and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” to save the appropriate files to your hard drive.

We have provided several formats for presenting your message, even if you do not have PowerPoint!

Personal training from Ken Ham

You have two options for learning how to give your own presentation.

  • Play the training QuickTime slideshow, from “Presentation Files.” You can advance to the next screen by pressing spacebar. This option requires Apple QuickTime 6.
  • Use Microsoft PowerPoint to run the training presentation from “Presentation Files.” It will play automatically when opened with Microsoft PowerPoint.

PowerPoint and PowerPoint-compatible software

Apple Keynote, Harvard Graphics, Corel Presentations, and many other digital presentation applications support PowerPoint presentation files. Follow these instructions in your respective program.

  • Download and open the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Rearrange the slides if desired.
  • When you are ready, select “View Show” from the “Slide Show” menu in PowerPoint, or choose the equivalent command in your presentation software. Use spacebar or right-arrow to advance slides, use backspace or left arrow to reverse, and press “B” to toggle a blank screen in PowerPoint.

Other presentation software or on-screen use

For software that is not compatible with PowerPoint, or for other on-screen use (email, video, etc.), simply import the specially-formatted JPEGs from “Screen-Quality Images” into your software program. See your program’s documentation for instructions.

No presentation software

Even if you do not have PowerPoint or any other presentation software, you still have several options for using these illustrations in your presentation.

  • In Windows, save all the “Screen-Quality Images” into a folder, arrange the images as desired, then select “View as slide show” from the Picture Tasks bar.
  • Open the QuickTime slideshow from “Presentation Files.” This program link will automatically change the size of the slide show to full-screen for your presentation. Advance screens by pressing spacebar, and use left-arrow to move backwards. End the presentation with Esc. To preview the entire QuickTime Slideshow before giving the presentation, open the QuickTime file directly. This option requires Apple QuickTime 6.
  • Run “Screen-Quality Catalog” from “Additional Software,” select “Slideshow Options…” from the “View” menu, set “Display Size” to “full-screen,” adjust other options as desired and click OK. Arrange the images in the order you want them to display, then select “Slideshow” from the “View” menu. Use the right-arrow key to advance screens, and the left-arrow key to move backwards.
  • Use Adobe Reader to open a PowerPoint presentation in “Presentation Files.” The presentation will automatically start. Use down- or right-arrow to advance slides and up- or left-arrow to reverse. This option requires Adobe Reader.


Several methods are available for printing the illustrations on these volumes. Please note that these illustrations are intended for a landscape print orientation.

  • Print desired pages from the PDF in “Presentation Files.” PDF requires Adobe Reader 5 (formerly Adobe Acrobat Reader) or later.
  • Open “Print-Quality Catalog” from “Additional Software” to browse and select images for printing.
  • Select and print your desired illustrations by using an image-editor to open the JPEGs specially formatted for printing in “Print-Quality Images.”

Additional Resources

These versions of Ken Ham’s talks are adaptations from the Answers with Ken Ham video series, available on DVD in AiG’s online store.

Production Team


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