4,000 Reached Directly in Virginia

by Ken Ham

Buddy Davis and I spoke to around an estimated 4,000 different people (including 600 young children) at the homeschool convention in Richmond, VA. We were thrilled at the response from parents, teens, and children—lots of great testimonies. I also gave the commencement address to around 3,000 people (including 200 graduates) at a homeschool graduation ceremony. Here are some photographs from the past two days:

The main auditorium—the auditorium seated around 2,400 for the main sessions and 2,800 for the Graduation Ceremony.

People crowding around the book tables at the AiG exhibit booth.

Our dedicated team of volunteers who worked non-stop for two days.

Buddy Davis ministering to 600 children—we used AiG’s own VBS program Egypt File to reach these children with the message of biblical authority, Bible instruction, and creation apologetics and the gospel message.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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