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Answers News is designed to help Christians think biblically about what they hear and see in popular culture, pointing people back to the authority of God’s Word in every area of their lives.
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According to a recent poll, congregations really do want their pastors to address current issues in their sermons.
A new study from Barna found a shocking 54% of “practicing Christians” admit to viewing pornography—that’s a mere 14% difference from non-Christians (68%).
Andy Stanley began a new series with the question, “Do you have to believe in miracles to be a Christian?” His answer? Yes, but only two foundational miracles.
The genetic diversity for these ecotypes already existed in the snails’ DNA. Nothing new is being created; nothing is coming “from scratch.”
A recent article pokes fun at those who read the Bible “literally,” specifically calling out the flood account as “pretty farfetched.”
Abortion is not just deadly for babies, it’s dangerous and harmful—and, yes, sometimes deadly—to women too.
Why do we care so much that we continue to speak about transgenderism, have a book on identity, and are crafting a new biblical identity exhibit?
Is the Bible silent on the issues Americans are facing today? According to a recent study, 83% of US evangelicals disagree with that statement.
Archaeologists found a seed believed to be about 1,000 years old in a cave and decided to plant it—and now 14 years later they have a 10-foot-tall tree growing.
Another example of deception happened recently with the story of Amber Thurman, a single mother who became pregnant with twins and sought an abortion.
Is parenting the new smoking? According to the surgeon general, parental stress is an “urgent public health issue.”
Pope Francis was recently at a gathering of young people in Singapore where he shared, “All religions are paths to reach God.”
A federal court dismissed a lawsuit by Christian parents in Indiana who claimed that teaching evolution violates religious freedom by promoting “the atheist religion.”
Every single community highlighted in a recent article about “inclusive Sunday collectives” had one thing in common—an elevation of man’s wisdom over God’s Word.
Yet another find confirms exactly what we’d expect starting with God’s Word: a beautifully carved black stone seal believed to be about 2,700 years old.
“Giggle for Girls” is an Australian female-only networking app that was sued by a man for barring him from using the app, even though he identifies as a woman.
A new find makes one fossil trackway even more incredible because the trackway is split between two continents and separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
Is Genesis a record of true history, given by God, or was it written by men trying to answer the questions that plague our world?
It’s hard to believe, but according to a new study, 1 in 10 “American Protestant Churchgoers” (11%) can’t answer what Bible accounts occurred in which Testament.
The word Mars conjures up an image of a red, dusty planet surrounded by the blackness of space. But many researchers believe Mars was once a watery world.
Human sacrifice—and specifically child sacrifice—has been common in pagan nations throughout human history.
According to a 2013 study, 31% of post-abortive US women chose to have an abortion—chose to kill their unborn child—for “partner related reasons.”
Evolutionists can’t find what separates humans from animals, because the answer’s in Genesis.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.