How Do You Make Clay?

on January 20, 2025

Hi! Welcome back to the Kids Answers magazine blog, where we answer your big questions about God’s Word and God’s world.

Elijah (age 7) asked,

“How do you make clay?”

Thanks for your question!

Clay comes mostly from igneous (IG-nee-uhs) rocks, which are formed when magma (melted rock) cools and hardens. When these rocks interact with water, air, or steam, they experience a process called weathering, which breaks down the minerals in those rocks. Some of these minerals break down into soft and sticky clay minerals.

We use clay to create things like plates, cups, bricks, floor tiles, jewelry, and more. Clay has always been a popular building material. At dig sites, archaeologists often uncover clay artifacts, which help us understand how people lived thousands of years ago.

Make Your Own Clay!

Want to make your own clay? With a parent’s help, add 1 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup cornstarch, and 3/4 cup water to a pot and mix together.

Heat up the ingredients in the pot over low heat, stirring continuously until your clay mixture starts to resemble mashed potatoes in consistency. Take the pot off the stove right away when it reaches this thickness.

Put the clay in a bowl to cool. Once it reaches room temperature, you can begin shaping your clay. What will you make?

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