Produce-Aisle Provisions

by Sarah Eshleman on September 1, 2020

The grocery store produce section regularly delights me with a rotation of exotic fruits. Alongside the familiar fare of bananas, apples, and grapes, I discover an international gathering, a who’s who of fruit.

Furry rambutans from Malaysia. Indonesian durian with its smelly reputation. Thai jackfruit, colossus of the fruit aisle. Puckered green chayote from Mexico. Asia’s luscious pink dragon fruit. Fragrant lychee from China. And the orange spiked kiwano, resembling a sort of creature more than an African fruit.

These luscious offerings remind me of the Creator’s goodness. Even after Adam and Eve’s forbidden bite in Eden, God still allows the juicy sweetness of fruit to refresh us. I can only imagine how sumptuous fruit will be when he redeems his fallen world someday!

This article was taken from Answers magazine, March–April, 2020, 82.