Practically Speaking

Before You Go—Overview of Biblical History

on November 9, 2015

What Do You Want to Learn About?

Most large museums are filled with a wide range of exhibits. It may be helpful to narrow down what you want to learn about, and spend your time in one or two exhibit areas. Visit the museum’s web page to find out what exhibits the museum offers and plan your visit accordingly.

Educational Guides

Some museums provide educational guides for specific exhibits, with pre- and post-visit activity suggestions to help you get the most out of your experience. Check the website of the museum you’re visiting to find out what it offers. Although these guides are written from a naturalistic perspective, they can still provide helpful information about operational science findings.

Questions to Ask Yourself

As you meander through the halls of learning, it may be helpful to keep in mind some questions to ask yourself, or your guide (in a polite manner with great gentleness and respect).

  • How do I (you) know that to be true?
  • What assumptions are being made?
  • What philosophy is the conclusions based on?
  • What was actually found?
  • Which aspects are operational science and which are origins science?
  • What is the biblical interpretation?
  • Where would this fit in biblical history?

We needn’t be afraid to visit natural history museums. Instead, we can use them as opportunities to learn the alternate view of history, and to critique it from a biblical perspective. Enjoy the process of learning to think biblically, and be discerning about what you see and hear. Rest in the fact that God’s Word remains unchanged, while much of the museum signage will be out of date next year!

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