Baby Mikey & Doctor Jessie

Lesson 144

“Whaaa! Whaa!” Baby Mikey wailed from his crib.

Jessie turned over in her bed and smashed her pillow over her ears. “This is the second night in a row,” she huffed. “I wish Mikey would go to sleep.” Jessie turned again and closed her eyes. Finally, all was quiet, and the family slept once more.

Very early in the morning, Jessie was awakened again by the cries of her baby brother. “Whaa! Whaaa! Whaa!”

“Really, Mikey?” Jessie mumbled. She found her slippers then shuffled to her brother’s room. Her mother was sitting in the rocking chair, holding the baby in her arms. “Is he hungry?” Jessie asked.

“I gave him his bottle, but he just cried more,” Mom replied, gently rocking the child. “I wish I could figure out what’s wrong. Whatever it is, it’s getting worse.”

“Maybe I can help.” Jessie reached for her brother’s favorite teddy bear. “Do you want to play?” she asked hopefully. Mikey stared at the bear then up at Jessie. “I think he likes it.” Jessie smiled. Suddenly, Mikey let out a huge buuuuuurrpp!

“Oh my!” Mom exclaimed. “No wonder he was crying with that big bubble in his tummy.”

Jessie looked horrified. “Why do babies have to burp all the time? It’s disgusting,” she said and made a face.

Mom laughed. “You were a baby once too, you know. And if I remember right, you had some pretty big burps yourself.”

Jessie gasped. She couldn’t imagine ever making such a nasty noise.

It wasn’t long before Mikey began to cry again. “Maybe he wants his bottle now.” Jessie gave the bottle to her brother, who eagerly sucked on it. “He seems hungry for sure.” He drank for just a moment then began to cry all over again.

“Wow! This is going to be a long day.” Mom sighed.

“Well, since it’s Saturday and Daddy’s at work, I can help you,” Jessie offered. “Let’s have breakfast.”

They all went downstairs to the kitchen. Mom placed Mikey in his highchair and went to the cupboard for the cereal. Jessie got the milk, bowls, and spoons and set them on the table.

“I’ll try giving Mikey some of his cereal,” said Mom as she stirred baby cereal in a little bowl.

“I can feed him for you,” Jessie offered. She took a bite of her own cereal then lifted a bite of baby cereal to Mikey’s mouth.

Mikey tasted his cereal and gurgled happily. Then suddenly, he started to cry again!

“What happened?!” asked Mom.

Jessie dropped the spoon in surprise. “I don’t know. I thought he liked it.”

“Oh dear,” said Mom, lifting the baby out of his chair. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I hope he’s not sick,” said Jessie.

Mom felt Mikey’s forehead with her hand. “Hmm. He does feel a bit warm, and he doesn’t seem to be feeling well. Maybe I’ll call the doctor.” Mom handed the baby to Jessie and went to make the call.

Jessie tried giving her brother another bite of cereal. He acted hungry, but then he began to cry again. “I give up,” said Jessie.

Mom came back into the kitchen. “They don’t have time to see Mikey today. I wish we could get in to see the doctor. I’m kinda worried. Mikey’s never acted like this before.”

“Well, maybe we can pray about it,” Jessie suggested.

“That’s a good idea, Jessie,” said Mom. “Would you please?”

Mom and Jessie bowed their heads. “Dear God,” Jessie began, “please help Mikey get better. Help us get to see a doctor so we can figure out what’s wrong. Thank you. Amen.”

Mom lifted Mikey up to her shoulder, but when he laid his head down, he squirmed and whimpered. “That’s strange,” said Mom. “He always goes to sleep on my shoulder.”

“Maybe his ear hurts,” said Jessie. “I remember when my ear was sore, I had to keep turning over on my pillow.”

Mom gasped. “Jessie, you might be right!”

Just then the phone rang, and Mom answered it. “I can be there in 20 minutes. Thank you!” she said then hung up. “Praise God!” Mom exclaimed. “The doctor can see Mikey if we get there right away.”

Mom and Jessie rushed around to get dressed and pack up Mikey’s diaper bag. They raced out the door and were soon at the doctor’s office. Mikey was still whimpering when the doctor came in. “Okay, let’s have a look.” He listened to Mikey’s heart and took his temperature. But when he checked Mikey’s ear, the baby let out a loud cry. “Uh oh,” said the doctor, “we found the problem. Mikey has an ear infection.”

“Does that hurt much?” asked Jessie.

“Oh yes,” the doctor replied. “I’ll give him some medicine that should help right away.”

Later that afternoon, Mikey felt better. He and Mom and Jessie were all napping when Dad came home. Dad sat down to give Mikey his bottle while Jessie and Mom explained what had happened that day.

“And Jessie was a huge help,” Mom said proudly. “She prayed for God’s help and even figured out that Mikey’s ear was hurting.”

Dad smiled. “Wow! God helped you figure out the problem, huh?”

Jessie nodded.

“Good job, Doctor Jessie,” said Dad. “Mikey seems to be much happier now.”

They all watched as Mikey hungrily gulped down his milk—without crying even once. Suddenly, Mikey let out a great big buuuuuurrpp! Then he smiled a great big smile and closed his eyes to sleep.

A Fun Part of Answers Bible Curriculum

Justin & Jessie show younger kids how the Bible applies to real life! These weekly stories are a supplement to the Answers Bible Curriculum take-home sheets. For more information about our full-Bible, chronological Sunday school program for all ages, and to download sample lessons, see Answers Bible Curriculum