Noticias del ministerio

Tenemos el placer de anunciar nuestros esfuerzos de expansión para llevar el ministerio apologético a la comunidad hispana. Joe Owen es el Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano de América Latina, localizado en México. Y trabajará este gran proyecto bajo la supervisión de David Chakranarayan, Director de Alcance Internacional.

  • 3 de enero de 2007 from Answers Magazine

    Two fighting dinosaurs found fossilized in the Gobi Desert.

  • 25 de octubre de 2006 from Answers Magazine

    One essential component of evolution is an extremely long timescale for earth history.

  • 16 de mayo de 2006 from Answers Magazine

    Is the bird flu evolving? The bird flu is changing, but not in the Darwinian sense that it will become something other than an influenza virus.

  • 28 de junio de 2006 from Answers Magazine

    Deep in the eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona, is a stacked sequence of “ancient” basalt lava flows known by geologists as the Cardenas Basalt.

  • The Supposed Consistency of Evolution’s Long Ages
    16 de agosto de 2001

    Perhaps the most challenging aspect of the theory of evolution is the apparent consistency of its corollary, the long-age geological system.

  • Philosophical Naturalism and the Age of the Earth: Are They Related?
    2 de marzo de 2005

    Many Christians do not understand the stranglehold that philosophical naturalism has on geology and astronomy.

  • In-Depth Article
    Origins of Life: A Simple Approach?
    12 de julio de 2006 from Answers in Depth

    The origin of life is very problematic to explain using naturalistic mechanisms.

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  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Billion-Fold Acceleration of Radioactivity Demonstrated in Laboratory
    1 de agosto de 2001, pp. 4–6

    Billion-Fold Acceleration of Radioactivity Shown in Laboratory

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    New Hominin Skull from Kenya
    1 de agosto de 2001, pp. 8–9

    A new fossil discovery that is ‘dated’ as contemporaneous with Australopithecus afarensis in the middle Pliocene has caused paleoanthropologists to re-evaluate their interpretations.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Fossil Reptiles on the Russian Platform
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 5–6

    This fossil graveyard is consistent with the Biblical Flood and a contradiction to the slow-and-gradual uniformitarian doctrine.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Evidentialism–The Bible and Assyrian Chronology
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 62–68

    There is no reason to bend the Bible to fit the current reconstructions of Assyrian chronology.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Dare to Question the Materialist High Priests
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 34–38

    University of Berkeley law professor Phillip Johnson dentifies and dissects a key philosophical assumption which constrains the ways data is allowed to be interpreted in the physical sciences.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    White Hole Cosmology
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 60–61

    After reading the latest volleys in the debate over Dr Humphreys' 'white hole cosmology' in CEN Technical Journal 13(1), I have a few comments that might be of use to the Christian community.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Sojourn of the Jews
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 60–61

    Chronologists have differing views as to the length of the sojourn of the Jews. I think it would not be a problem for anybody if they just collect all the relevant verses.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    The Young Faint Sun Paradox and the Age of the Solar System
    1 de agosto de 2001, pp. 3–4

    The Sun derives energy by the thermonuclear conversion of hydrogen into helium, deep inside its core. There is convincing evidence that the Sun is getting at least half of its energy by this method.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    End-Mesozoic Extinction of Dinosaurs Partly Based on Circular Reasoning
    1 de agosto de 2001, pp. 6–7

    Creationists are well aware that rocks are often dated by the fossils they contain.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Did Lucy Walk Upright?
    1 de agosto de 2001, pp. 9–10

    For over 20 years, Lucy or Australopithecus afarensis has been considered one of our first ‘ancestors’, mainly because it supposedly walked upright.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Supposed eukaryote evolution pushed back one billion years
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 4–5

    Such a dramatic extension back in time for the eukaryotic cell raises even more questions for evolutionists regarding the evolution of life.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Divisions Unresolved
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 39–43

    The subject of this work is the relationship between science and Christianity. Four views are presented and the representatives of each respond to every other presentation.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    'Nucha' and Plate Tectonics
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 58–59

    This bias against the plate tectonics paradigm has developed after examining the paradigm for 25 years. I find many serious problems with it that I have recently catalogued.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    Spiritual Death
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 59–60

    While agreeing with most of what Kulikovsky says, I was surprised to find that he had difficulty accepting the concept of spiritual death since this is clearly stated in Scripture.

  • Trabajo de Investigación
    The Root of our Ecological Crisis
    1 de abril de 2001, pp. 76–79

    Presents land conservation and stewardship from a Biblical worldview and challenges Christians to apply the Biblical principles of Christian stewardship to the use of God’s Creation.

  • Artículo de la Revista
    Salty Saga
    1 de septiembre de 2001, pp. 15–16

    In October 2000, researchers led by Professor Russell Vreeland from Pennsylvania’s West Chester University claimed to have revived bacteria which had lain dormant, trapped within salt crystals s

  • Artículo de la Revista
    Cosmic Breakthrough!
    1 de diciembre de 1994, pp. 37–39

    A revolutionary new model shows that the compromises urged by Hugh Ross and others on the age of the universe are not only scripturally unsound, but scientifically uncalled for.

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Respuestas en Génesis es un ministerio de apologética, dedicado a ayudar a los cristianos defender su fe y proclamar el evangelio de Jesucristo.

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  • Ministerio Hispano y Latinoamericano 859.727.5438