Dr. Werner Gitt

Dr. Werner Gitt

Retired Director at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology, Author

The retired Dr. Werner Gitt was the director and a professor in the Information Technology Division at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology (PTB) in Braunschweig, Germany. Dr. Gitt has written numerous scientific papers in the fields of information science, mathematics, and control engineering. He is also a speaker and has authored several books.

Dr. Gitt and his wife, Marion, have been married since 1996 and have two adult children.

Latest Articles by Dr. Werner Gitt

  • Humans have always been interested in our origins: where did we come from, and how did we get here? The Bible soundly answers the question of human origins.

  • Jessie just wants to have a lazy day, but what happens when she reads her mom's text messages?

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  • Adam and the Genome illustrates that, as new scientific data accumulate, evolutionists find new and more nuanced ways to contradict the Bible.

  • Every week we receive encouraging testimonies from dozens of people who have been blessed and touched by God through the ministry of Answers in Genesis.

  • Everyone has a “worldview,” a way that they see the world. Christians need to have worldview that is built out of the Bible.

  • Kids are never short of questions—and now there are answers to some of their most difficult ones regarding the Bible and faith! The story of Creation and the Garden of Eden are familiar ones. But they also present a wonderful opportunity to share important biblical truths with eagerly questioning minds through answers that even the youngest believer can understand. In Volume 1, children get answers to the top 22 questions on Creation and the Fall.

  • Do fossils really require millions of years to form? The evidence shouts no! A lot of water and a little bit of time rapidly laid down the fossil record.

  • The central mission of every Christian should be proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. Creation evangelism provides the perfect platform!

  • Rev. Jason Carlson is the president of Christian Ministries International, an organization devoted to evangelism and equipping Christians to share their faith.

  • Dinosaur bones aren’t the only artifacts left behind by these creatures. Fossilized footprints point toward the watery cataclysm that buried the dinosaurs.

  • Article Series
    A Tour of the Creation Museum Series

    Journey through earth’s true history at the Creation Museum with its beautiful gardens and nature trails, petting zoo, animatronic dinosaurs, and much more.

  • Dr. Diana Lynn Severance, a frequent writer on Christian history, received her PhD in history from Rice University and is the director of the Dunham Bible Museum at Houston Baptist University.

  • Pierwszy rozdział Księgi Rodzaju dziesięciokrotnie powtarza, że Bóg stworzył stworzenia oddzielnie, według różnych „rodzajów” (mîn).

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  • Both the media and popular culture are saturated in the hype of global warming and climate change. How should Christians understand this sensitive issue?

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  • More evidence of the global Flood (Genesis 6-9) is exposed at Grand Canyon than any other place on earth.

  • Czy Noe doświadczył lokalnej powodzi, która zostawiła tylko kilka warstw osadu, tak jak dzisiejsze powodzie?

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  • Dr. Lisle communicates the truths of creation and the fallacies of evolution with authority and enthusiasm. In this richly illustrated book, Lisle debunks the most widely accepted teachings about the idea of evolution. Readers are given solid answers to many questions, including the speed of light, the big bang, extraterrestrials, the reliability of the Bible regarding astronomy, and more.

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