Vera Everett Articles

Latest Articles by Vera Everett

  • At last! An information-packed dinosaur book based on the authority of the Bible! Ken Ham, in his own distinct and understandable teaching style, explains how to understand the big picture of earth’s history… from a biblical perspective.

  • God has commanded man to be a good steward of the earth that He entrusted to us. In a time of almost cultish concern for the earth, how do Christians respond?

  • Every week we receive encouraging testimonies from dozens of people who have been blessed and touched by God through the ministry of Answers in Genesis.

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • Was early man truly a stone-age, lumbering brute grunting his way toward primitive language? The evidence says the opposite—early man was intelligent!

  • Costi Hinn graduated from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, serves as a pastor, and is the author of several books.

  • The Seven C’s of history—Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation—tell the true history of earth as recorded in the Bible.

  • The fascinating study of microbiology reveals the unbelievable diversity of microscopic organisms—some that even dwell in toxic sea vents and the Dead Sea!

  • Dinosaur bones aren’t the only artifacts left behind by these creatures. Fossilized footprints point toward the watery cataclysm that buried the dinosaurs.

  • Article Series
    A Tour of the Creation Museum Series

    Journey through earth’s true history at the Creation Museum with its beautiful gardens and nature trails, petting zoo, animatronic dinosaurs, and much more.

  • Justin finds a dog. Will he be able to keep Cookie?

  • Pierwszy rozdział Księgi Rodzaju dziesięciokrotnie powtarza, że Bóg stworzył stworzenia oddzielnie, według różnych „rodzajów” (mîn).

  • Gracia Burnham is a popular and engaging speaker in high demand at churches, colleges, and conferences across the United States.

  • Tony is a missionary/evangelist to those caught in New Religious Movements, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons.

  • Dr. Jason Lisle is a Christian astrophysicist who researches issues pertaining to science and the Christian faith.

  • Landing Page
  • Do fossils really require millions of years to form? The evidence shouts no! A lot of water and a little bit of time rapidly laid down the fossil record.

  • A clone is a genetically identical copy of a living organism. What about cloning humans? Should Christians view the cloning of animals differently than humans?

  • Marriage was instituted by God in Genesis. Therefore God alone has the right to declare what marriage is—and what it is not.

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  • Everyone has a “worldview,” a way that they see the world. Christians need to have worldview that is built out of the Bible.


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