Latest Articles by Dr. Terry Mortenson

  • The insect world displays stunning variety from butterflies to ants to beetles to bees. This variety is not the result of evolution but of God’s creativity.

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    Chinese AiG Homepage

  • Book Chapter

    This book is the result of years of reading and thinking about, and discussing, the origin, nature, and purpose of mathematics.

  • Is the earth unique and special, or is it just one of many similar habitable planets scattered across the universe?

  • The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It was named by the Septuagint (LXX) translators because it gives an account of the origin of all things.

  • Do similarities in DNA between organisms suggest a common ancestor or a common Designer? Are chimps and humans actually 98% similar?

  • Is Noah’s Ark a Myth?

    Noah’s Ark—bedtime story, myth, allegory, or real history? Was there really a Flood that covered the globe and an Ark filled with animals?

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    Respostas en Xénese

    AiG Homepage for Galician

  • あなたの腕を気に入っていますか? 地上で最も格好いい無脊椎動物に聞いてみよう。

  • The world of geology is filled with beautiful and awe-inspiring natural formations. How did these formations get there?

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    Genesis Yanıtlar

    Turkish AiG Homepage

  • The sun, a star situated the perfect distance from earth to supply needed heat and light, shows evidence of special design by a loving Creator.

  • Does the doctrine of original sin stand or fall on the historicty of Genesis, Adam and Eve, the perfect creation, and the Fall of mankind?

  • The Pilgrim’s Progress is a spiritual allegory that follows the path of Christian, a man weighed down by his burden of sin. He leaves the City of Destruction and learns that nothing can remove his burden other than the cross of Christ. But that is only the beginning of his journey through life to the Celestial City.

  • Many Christians try to fit millions of years and evolution into the biblical text. This compromise does great damage to the authority of the Bible.

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    उत्पत्ति में जवाब

    उत्पत्ति में जवाब

  • The eerie darkness of caves hosts strange growths called stalagmites and stalactites. Caves, and their features, take millions of years to form—don’t they?

  • Chemistry, the study of the elements that make up matter, powerfully demonstrates the complexity of life and the inability of chemicals to produce life.

  • Magazine Department
    Creation on Display
  • Biography
    John Rendle-Short

    Dr. John Rendle Short was a paediatrician in Australia for 24 years.

  • With its unusual honeycomb columns, Giant´s Causeway attracts thousands of visitors each year to Northern Ireland.


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