Dr. Larry Vardiman Articles

Latest Articles by Dr. Larry Vardiman

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  • Do fossils really require millions of years to form? The evidence shouts no! A lot of water and a little bit of time rapidly laid down the fossil record.

  • Dr. Diana Lynn Severance, a frequent writer on Christian history, received her PhD in history from Rice University and is the director of the Dunham Bible Museum at Houston Baptist University.

  • Tony is a missionary/evangelist to those caught in New Religious Movements, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons.

  • Rev. Jason Carlson is the president of Christian Ministries International, an organization devoted to evangelism and equipping Christians to share their faith.

  • Does our growing understanding of animal genetics support evolutionary principles or special creation by a caring, intelligent Designer as the Bible proclaims?

  • Collection

    We are daily bombarded with “facts” from media of all kinds. How should a Bible-believing Christian respond?

  • In addition to outdoor adventure and beauty, this park is a great place to learn about how mountains were formed from rock layers at the end of the global Flood.

  • Doreen graduated with a master’s degree in biblical and theological studies from Western Seminary in 2021, and she holds a BA and MA in counseling psychology from Chapman University.

  • One popular interpretation of Genesis 1 shoehorns a millions-of-years gap between verses 1 and 2. Is this a valid interpretation?

  • Mount St. Helens violently erupted on May 18, 1980, rapidly dispelling many false long-age notions about the formation of canyons, rock layers, and coal.

  • One of the world´s most spectacular caves is Carlsbad Caverns in southeastern New Mexico, USA.

  • Ken's Media Collection: Volume List
    Answers with Ken Ham Volumes

    This is a master list of Answers with Ken Ham volumes

  • Numerous cultures across the globe contain myths and legends relating to the creation of the world.

  • The herbivorous diets of many traditionally carnivorous animals provide a glimpse into the original creation when all animals were vegetarians.

  • This free zoo currently houses over 18,000 animals and is a world leader in wildlife conservation and endangered species protection.

  • After animals came off the Ark following the Flood and spread across the earth, they established complex migratory patterns that continue to puzzle scientists.

  • One of the most asked questions by skeptics and Christians alike is, “Where did Cain get his wife?” Genesis provides the simple answer!

  • Page
    Map and directions

    Map and directions to Creation Museum and AiG–U.S. headquarters

  • If God Doesn’t Matter to Him, Do You?

    There are consequences to the unquestioned evolutionary belief of humans as mere products of survival of the fittest, rather than beings made in God’s image.

  • A clone is a genetically identical copy of a living organism. What about cloning humans? Should Christians view the cloning of animals differently than humans?


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