Ivan Bowden Articles

Latest Articles by Ivan Bowden

  • Three Persons yet one essence—the doctrine of the Trinity may be difficult to understand, but it is an essential, non-negotiable doctrine.

  • Page
    Buona Novella

    Ecco la Buona Novella

  • The iconic, complex double-helix structure of DNA displays the masterful design and creativity of the all-wise Creator.

  • Dr. Lisle communicates the truths of creation and the fallacies of evolution with authority and enthusiasm. In this richly illustrated book, Lisle debunks the most widely accepted teachings about the idea of evolution. Readers are given solid answers to many questions, including the speed of light, the big bang, extraterrestrials, the reliability of the Bible regarding astronomy, and more.

  • This grand castle is one of Scotland’s most popular destinations and a great place to visit while learning about the Scottish Reformation.

  • When Justin's class goes on a field trip to city hall, he gets a chance to talk to the mayor about Jesus.

  • Reptiles like snakes, lizards, and turtles can seem bizarre and even creepy, but they were created by God and their design points us back to Him.

  • Jessie just wants to have a lazy day, but what happens when she reads her mom's text messages?

  • Join The Vaughn Family as they sing praises and uplift their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the gift of music.

  • Morgan Neill has been called to preach and is preaching and singing today wherever God opens a door.

  • Humans have always been interested in our origins: where did we come from, and how did we get here? The Bible soundly answers the question of human origins.

  • Justin's dad receives an inheritance from his great uncle Colby.

  • Instead of being an open platform where students can critically discuss the merits and flaws of a scientific model, education is overcome by evolutionary dogma.

  • Every week we receive encouraging testimonies from dozens of people who have been blessed and touched by God through the ministry of Answers in Genesis.

  • Th Brookfield Zoo, which boasts over 2,000 animals, is a great place to see how God equipped animals to thrive in different habitats.

  • Biography
    Buddy “Uncle Robby” Robinson

    Buddy Robinson, a.k.a. “Uncle Robbie,” has spent most of his life teaching children. A gifted speaker, singer, and storyteller, he incorporates humor, drama, energy, and suspense into his sessions.

  • A clone is a genetically identical copy of a living organism. What about cloning humans? Should Christians view the cloning of animals differently than humans?

  • The Seven C’s of history—Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation—tell the true history of earth as recorded in the Bible.

  • The Higgs boson, nicknamed the “God particle,” reveals nothing about the origin of the universe—but it does divulge secrets about how the universe operates.

  • The fascinating study of microbiology reveals the unbelievable diversity of microscopic organisms—some that even dwell in toxic sea vents and the Dead Sea!

  • Jessie is excited to dance in a ballet, but why does her dad leave the room partway through her performance?

  • Landing Page
  • The heavens declare the glory of God, and the brilliant beauty of countless stars certainly declares the handiwork of the Creator God.

  • Children Kids Landing Page

    Meet Bryce, Ellyn, Rex, and Digby—just some of the cool friends who will show you more about God and His Word.


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