Latest Articles by Dr. Henry M. Morris

  • Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?

    The media is constantly abuzz with dire news about global warming and climate change. What does biblical history add to the discussion?

  • The fossil record, billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth, is dramatic evidence of the historicity of Noah’s Flood.

  • ¿Quién es Dios? ¿Será el Creador? ¿Es el responsable por la muerte y sufrimiento en el mundo? ¿Y qué de Jesucristo, Satanás, ángeles y demonios?

  • Is Noah’s Ark a Myth?

    Noah’s Ark—bedtime story, myth, allegory, or real history? Was there really a Flood that covered the globe and an Ark filled with animals?

  • Great diversity exists within the mammal group. From koalas to deer to bats to primates to whales to cheetahs, mammals declare the glory of their Creator.

  • According to the Bible, hell is a real place where God judges unrepentant sinners with eternal, conscious punishment.

  • Dios creó todo de manera especial en seis días literales de 24-horas. Esta creación original fue perfecta y sin pecado o muerte.

  • Collection
  • The heavens declare the glory of God, and the brilliant beauty of countless stars certainly declares the handiwork of the Creator God.

  • Evolution is often presented as a fact proven by science. If this is true, there should be mountains of evidence supporting evolution—but is there?

  • The fossil record shows more biodiversity than our current ecosystems. This incredible diversity clearly demonstrates the handiwork of the Creator!

  • The eerie darkness of caves hosts strange growths called stalagmites and stalactites. Caves, and their features, take millions of years to form—don’t they?

  • Video Collection
  • Many Christians try to fit millions of years and evolution into the biblical text. This compromise does great damage to the authority of the Bible.

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • Publication
    Online Books

    Our free online books are intended to equip Christians, challenge non-Christians, uphold the authority of the Bible, and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Video Collection
  • Just Be Good for Goodness’ Sake: Is Being Good Good Enough?

    Why should we be good? Without God, is there any reason why anyone should be good? And who defines what is right or good, anyway?

  • The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It was named by the Septuagint (LXX) translators because it gives an account of the origin of all things.

  • The human brain is so complex that scientists have barely tapped its intricacy. The quiet workings of the brain point toward its Designer.


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