Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen Articles

Latest Articles by Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen

  • Dinosaur bones aren’t the only artifacts left behind by these creatures. Fossilized footprints point toward the watery cataclysm that buried the dinosaurs.

  • Do fossils really require millions of years to form? The evidence shouts no! A lot of water and a little bit of time rapidly laid down the fossil record.

  • Tony is a missionary/evangelist to those caught in New Religious Movements, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons.

  • ¿Será la Biblia simplemente un libro anticuado empolvado de contradicciones y mitos, o es la revelación verdadera de la historia del Dios omnisciente?

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    FAQ for ABC 1st Edition

    Frequently asked questions about Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC) 1st edition.

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    Use this form to order supplies for Twelve Stones Bible Curriculum.

  • Both the media and popular culture are saturated in the hype of global warming and climate change. How should Christians understand this sensitive issue?

  • More evidence of the global Flood (Genesis 6-9) is exposed at Grand Canyon than any other place on earth.

  • This free zoo currently houses over 18,000 animals and is a world leader in wildlife conservation and endangered species protection.

  • In a quiet pond somewhere on early earth, the many complex chemicals necessary for life came together to produce the first living cell—or did they?

  • How do we properly raise our children in the training and instruction of the Lord so that they will grow into godly adults?

  • Czy Noe doświadczył lokalnej powodzi, która zostawiła tylko kilka warstw osadu, tak jak dzisiejsze powodzie?

  • Mathematical and probability calculations powerfully demonstrate the impossibility of biological evolution to produce the diversity and complexity of life.

  • Numerous cultures across the globe contain myths and legends relating to the creation of the world.

  • One popular interpretation of Genesis 1 shoehorns a millions-of-years gap between verses 1 and 2. Is this a valid interpretation?

  • Evolutionists have made some pretty incredible admissions about the nature of evolution, science, and evidence that actually supports the biblical account.

  • Do you have answers to the big questions about the Christian faith, evolution, creation, and the biblical worldview? Now you get the important information you need regarding the existence of God, global warming and climate change, cloning and stem cells, human and chimp DNA, the importance of Mount St. Helens, and more.

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    Map and directions

    Map and directions to Creation Museum and AiG–U.S. headquarters

  • The Fossils Hall in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. includes many real dinosaur fossils—not copies—on display.


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