Latest Articles by Dr. Georgia Purdom

  • Grain Donation

    If you are a cash-basis farmer, you may have the opportunity for tax benefits by gifting the grain directly to Answers in Genesis.

  • Can Bible-based creation science make successful predictions, explain the evidence, and properly explain reality?

  • Missionaries and street evangelists are successfully using creation evangelism, presenting the gospel starting in Genesis, to fulfill the Great Commission.

  • El planetario una estructura en forma semiesférica, donde se simula la visión del cielo proyectando las estrellas, constelaciones, planetas, etc.

  • Where was God?

    What does all the death and suffering in the world tell us about God? Is He simply a distant, disinterested being, or the loving Creator of a now-broken world?

  • These special kid-friendly cards describe five of the many scientific findings (“natural laws”) that can only result from the one true God of the Bible!

  • If you are a Christian heading to campus for the first time, there are several things you need to know about living your faith while surrounded by atheistic professors. This wonderful guide for college students who find their faith and values under assault will help them navigate through classes while maintaining a good GPA and a positive college experience.

  • Are humans simply the by-product of evolution from an ape-like ancestor or were they lovingly fashioned by God in His own image?

  • Big bangs and stardust, primordial soup, meteorites with amino acids, or maybe aliens seeded life on earth? A Creator God is a much more logical choice.

  • How should we view climate change, global warming, environmental conservation, and biblical stewardship? Where does the Ice Age fit into biblical history?

  • Page
    The Incredible Race VBS Curriculum

    Race from Continent to Continent in The Incredible Race Vacation Bible School!

  • Justin and Jessie are in the Christmas play at school. Their neighbor Matt comes to see the play, but didn’t expect it to be like this! Find out what’s so funny.

  • What mysterious quality makes a creature alive at one moment but is absent the instant the creature dies? The Bible answers the question, “What is life?”

  • W pierwszym rozdziale Księgi Rodzaju słowo „dzień” jest używane w odniesieniu do sześciu 24-godzinnych dni.

  • Landing Page
  • Learning to think critically when faced with an argument is an essential skill that can work as an insulator against cultural brainwashing.

  • Jeremy loves soccer! Now he may have to choose between two different teams. Find out how God helps Jeremy make the right decision.

  • Chemistry, the study of the elements that make up matter, powerfully demonstrates the complexity of life and the inability of chemicals to produce life.

  • Biography
    Don Landis

    Don Landis is the president of Jackson Hole Bible College in Jackson, Wyoming. He is also Sr. Pastor at Community Bible Church in Jackson and Chairman of the Board for Answers in Genesis.

  • Mystery, superstition, and intrigue surround the topic of angels and demons. The Bible, however, dispels these shadows and myths with clear truth.

  • Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D, serves as President of Colorado Biblical University.


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