Geoff Thomas Articles

Latest Articles by Geoff Thomas

  • Every week we receive encouraging testimonies from dozens of people who have been blessed and touched by God through the ministry of Answers in Genesis.

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • Article Series
    A Tour of the Creation Museum Series

    Journey through earth’s true history at the Creation Museum with its beautiful gardens and nature trails, petting zoo, animatronic dinosaurs, and much more.

  • God has commanded man to be a good steward of the earth that He entrusted to us. In a time of almost cultish concern for the earth, how do Christians respond?

  • The fascinating study of microbiology reveals the unbelievable diversity of microscopic organisms—some that even dwell in toxic sea vents and the Dead Sea!

  • Pierwszy rozdział Księgi Rodzaju dziesięciokrotnie powtarza, że Bóg stworzył stworzenia oddzielnie, według różnych „rodzajów” (mîn).

  • Dr. Diana Lynn Severance, a frequent writer on Christian history, received her PhD in history from Rice University and is the director of the Dunham Bible Museum at Houston Baptist University.

  • The Seven C’s of history—Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation—tell the true history of earth as recorded in the Bible.

  • A clone is a genetically identical copy of a living organism. What about cloning humans? Should Christians view the cloning of animals differently than humans?

  • Dr. Jason Lisle is a Christian astrophysicist who researches issues pertaining to science and the Christian faith.

  • Landing Page
  • Progressive Creationist Gleason Archer

    Gleason Archer is a defender of biblical inerrancy, but he allowed himself to be intimidated by “science.”

  • Czy gwiazdy mogą znajdować się milion lat świetlnych od nas, jeśli Bóg stworzył je 6000 lat temu?

  • Was the australopithecine Lucy—most famous of all the supposed human ancestors—really a precursor to modern man, or was she simply an ape?

  • ¿Qué edad tiene la tierra? ¿Cómo se lo puede saber con certeza a menos que hubo un testigo presente en el principio?

  • Does our growing understanding of animal genetics support evolutionary principles or special creation by a caring, intelligent Designer as the Bible proclaims?

  • Rev. Jason Carlson is the president of Christian Ministries International, an organization devoted to evangelism and equipping Christians to share their faith.

  • Doreen graduated with a master’s degree in biblical and theological studies from Western Seminary in 2021, and she holds a BA and MA in counseling psychology from Chapman University.

  • Tony Perkins is Family Research Council’s (FRC) fourth and longest-serving president, having joined the organization in August 2003.

  • Justin is committed to the expositional preaching of God’s Word. Justin has a Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages and a Master of Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

  • Ken Ham shares his burden for Christian apologetics beginning from the very first verse of Scripture.

  • Everyone has a “worldview,” a way that they see the world. Christians need to have worldview that is built out of the Bible.


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