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  • People complain about The New Answers Book. They say that it’s so good at giving short, substantive answers that they want more. Well, we listened! In The New Answers Book 2 you’ll find 31 more great answers to big questions for the Christian life. Many view the original New Answers Book as an essential tool for modern discipleship. Both of these books answer such questions as: Can natural processes explain the origin of life? Can creationists be real scientists? Where did Cain get his wife? Is evolution a religion? and more!

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  • How should Christians approach cosmology? Is it a field hopelessly ruled by the secular worldview, or does it proclaim the glory of God and the truth of his Word?

  • Do the potential benefits of embryonic stem cell research justify the destruction of human life? Or is there a viable alternative?

  • Information only comes from other information. DNA is a complex information system, so it must have come from an information source—the mind of the Creator God!

  • あなたの腕を気に入っていますか? 地上で最も格好いい無脊椎動物に聞いてみよう。

  • How do plate tectonics and continental drift fit with the Bible’s history? Can plate tectonics help explain the global Flood?

  • Just Be Good for Goodness’ Sake: Is Being Good Good Enough?

    Why should we be good? Without God, is there any reason why anyone should be good? And who defines what is right or good, anyway?

  • The characteristics of math reflect characteristics of God, its Creator.

  • This revolutionary book has already opened the eyes of thousands of Christians showing why the traditional methods of evangelism are not reaching today’s humanistic, evolutionized culture. By applying proven soul-winning methods as found in the Scriptures, this book will revolutionize your witnessing. Why not encourage your pastors to read it too?

  • ジカ熱、これはまさにパニックの要因となる最新のウイルスである。

  • If God Doesn’t Matter to Him, Do You?

    There are consequences to the unquestioned evolutionary belief of humans as mere products of survival of the fittest, rather than beings made in God’s image.

  • The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It was named by the Septuagint (LXX) translators because it gives an account of the origin of all things.

  • Science fiction has popularized the idea that—somewhere in space—ETs, aliens, and UFOs thrive. Do the Bible and the evidence support this notion?

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  • Mathematical and probability calculations powerfully demonstrate the impossibility of biological evolution to produce the diversity and complexity of life.

  • Does observational science support the big bang, the idea that 13 billion years ago all matter came from nothing and eventually formed everything we see today?

  • Biology, the study of living things, is a rich science filled with intricacy and complexity that demands the presence of an intelligent Creator God.

  • Instead of being an open platform where students can critically discuss the merits and flaws of a scientific model, education is overcome by evolutionary dogma.

  • The eerie darkness of caves hosts strange growths called stalagmites and stalactites. Caves, and their features, take millions of years to form—don’t they?

  • Skeptics often claim that the God of the Bible is a cruel, vindictive God, but the Bible paints a different picture—God is a good and loving God.


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