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  • At last! An information-packed dinosaur book based on the authority of the Bible! Ken Ham, in his own distinct and understandable teaching style, explains how to understand the big picture of earth’s history… from a biblical perspective.

  • Th Brookfield Zoo, which boasts over 2,000 animals, is a great place to see how God equipped animals to thrive in different habitats.

  • Biography
    Buddy “Uncle Robby” Robinson

    Buddy Robinson, a.k.a. “Uncle Robbie,” has spent most of his life teaching children. A gifted speaker, singer, and storyteller, he incorporates humor, drama, energy, and suspense into his sessions.

  • Doreen graduated with a master’s degree in biblical and theological studies from Western Seminary in 2021, and she holds a BA and MA in counseling psychology from Chapman University.

  • Both the media and popular culture are saturated in the hype of global warming and climate change. How should Christians understand this sensitive issue?

  • Dinosaur bones aren’t the only artifacts left behind by these creatures. Fossilized footprints point toward the watery cataclysm that buried the dinosaurs.

  • ¿Será la Biblia simplemente un libro anticuado empolvado de contradicciones y mitos, o es la revelación verdadera de la historia del Dios omnisciente?

  • Czy gwiazdy mogą znajdować się milion lat świetlnych od nas, jeśli Bóg stworzył je 6000 lat temu?

  • A trip to the Denver Museum of Science and Nature can be a great time to teach your family or other Christians how to distinguish facts from interpretations.

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  • After animals came off the Ark following the Flood and spread across the earth, they established complex migratory patterns that continue to puzzle scientists.

  • Does our growing understanding of animal genetics support evolutionary principles or special creation by a caring, intelligent Designer as the Bible proclaims?

  • Was the australopithecine Lucy—most famous of all the supposed human ancestors—really a precursor to modern man, or was she simply an ape?

  • Czy Noe doświadczył lokalnej powodzi, która zostawiła tylko kilka warstw osadu, tak jak dzisiejsze powodzie?

  • In a quiet pond somewhere on early earth, the many complex chemicals necessary for life came together to produce the first living cell—or did they?

  • ¿Qué edad tiene la tierra? ¿Cómo se lo puede saber con certeza a menos que hubo un testigo presente en el principio?

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    Creation Videos

  • More evidence of the global Flood (Genesis 6-9) is exposed at Grand Canyon than any other place on earth.

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