Dean Davis Articles

Latest Articles by Dean Davis

  • The clever design of amphibians, from tree frogs to spotted salamanders, is a powerful demonstration of God’s creativity.

  • The genealogies of the Bible are used to construct a biblical chronology and timeline of 6,000 years, but can these genealogies be trusted?

  • While many think rock formations and rock layers are evidence of an old earth, the Bible’s history and the rocks themselves teach a different story.

  • Your worldview is the basic set of beliefs that color how you view and interpret the world. It shapes your perspective of everything from fossils to human life.

  • Publication
    Study Guides

    AiG has made numerous study guides available for free download.

  • Never Assume! Challenging the Basic Assumptions of Evolutionists

    Many evolutionists argue fervently against the existence of God and biblical truth. But in order to make their case they must borrow from a biblical worldview!

  • Darwin was not an objective scientist concerned only with the data. His anti-God bias clearly paved the way for the development of Darwinian evolution.

  • The glittering, twinkling lights of Christmas that glow on frosty evenings should remind us of the Light of the world who is the reason we celebrate Christmas.

  • Is Darwinism science, with its inherent naturalistic and atheistic ideas, or is it a faith-based religion?

  • What is science? Is it really just a set of facts or how we interpret data? Science is knowledge, which can only be tested and verified in a consistent universe.

  • Charles Darwin’s evolutionary philosophy was fertile soil in which the atrocity of racism quickly took root and grew.

  • Neanderthals are often treated as subhuman despite having all the hallmarks of full humanity. Except a few skeletal variances, they were very similar to us.

  • Article Series
    ASK Good Questions Series

    Don’t just receive the things that are presented to you, but take the time to stop and ASK questions.

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • Astronomy gives us glimpses of the incomprehensible size and complexity of the universe—proclaiming the infinite majesty and power of God.

  • Audio
    Creation: The Story of Life radio special

    Creation: The Story of Life radio special

  • Video Collection
    Answers Mini-Dramas
  • Evolution predicts a fossil record bursting with transitional fossils. Curiously, there are only a handful of highly-disputed fossils that are claimed as such.

  • This book explores the universe, explaining its origins and discussing the historical development of cosmology from a creationist viewpoint.

  • Collection

    We are daily bombarded with “facts” from media of all kinds. How should a Bible-believing Christian respond?

  • Did dinosaurs live millions of years ago, or have these impressive creatures existed much more recently? Could some even be alive today?


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