Latest Articles by Dr. David W. Boyd, Jr.

  • Ancient man, far from being the commonly perceived illiterate brute, was a genius. Some of his ancient technologies still confound historians today.

  • Evolutionists have made some pretty incredible admissions about the nature of evolution, science, and evidence that actually supports the biblical account.

  • God has commanded man to be a good steward of the earth that He entrusted to us. In a time of almost cultish concern for the earth, how do Christians respond?

  • How should a follower of Christ live, work, and witness in a sin-filled culture that rejects God and His Word?

  • Does our growing understanding of animal genetics support evolutionary principles or special creation by a caring, intelligent Designer as the Bible proclaims?

  • Eugenics, the sterilization of those considered “unfit,” is the logical conclusion when applying the principles of survival-of-the-fittest Darwinian evolution.

  • Do studies that use mutation rates to calibrate a “molecular clock” confirm or deny the evolutionary model? Are the assumptions in such calibrations correct?

  • How do we properly raise our children in the training and instruction of the Lord so that they will grow into godly adults?

  • Astronomers are constantly discovering extrasolar planets orbiting distant stars. Are these mysterious bodies other earths with the potential to contain life?

  • Young-earth creationists believe that God created the universe, and everything in it, recently because this is what the Word of God clearly teaches.

  • Agnostics are highly dubious of God’s existence but understand that they cannot be completely sure He does not exist. Can we know for sure that God exists?

  • Humans have always been interested in our origins: where did we come from, and how did we get here? The Bible soundly answers the question of human origins.

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    Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary

    Our vision is to see the church of the Lord Jesus Christ strengthened and expanded worldwide, to the end that Christ would be known, loved, and exalted.

  • ¿Qué edad tiene la tierra? ¿Cómo se lo puede saber con certeza a menos que hubo un testigo presente en el principio?

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • Survival of the fittest is not evolution. It is a fact of life in a world that has been tainted with death and bloodshed since Adam rebelled against his Maker.

  • What are some of the values Christians should draw from the Bible and steadfastly hold to?

  • Christian parents have the humbling and difficult responsibility to assure that their children are given a solid foundation in the things of God.

  • Rarely do we set aside time with family to celebrate the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ together. Easter is the perfect time to do just that.

  • The iconic, complex double-helix structure of DNA displays the masterful design and creativity of the all-wise Creator.

  • The Ice Age was home to some giant and intimidating creatures, from mammoths to saber-tooth cats to giant sloths to massive cave bears.

  • Both the media and popular culture are saturated in the hype of global warming and climate change. How should Christians understand this sensitive issue?

  • The timeline of evolution, far from being set in stone, is constantly adjusting to new fossils found millions of years before their evolutionary time.


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