Latest Articles by Dr. Danny R. Faulkner

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    उत्पत्ति में जवाब

    उत्पत्ति में जवाब

  • Biography
    John Rendle-Short

    Dr. John Rendle Short was a paediatrician in Australia for 24 years.

  • Do similarities in DNA between organisms suggest a common ancestor or a common Designer? Are chimps and humans actually 98% similar?

  • Is it possible for scientists to defy the law of biogenesis and create life in a laboratory or test tube?

  • Snakes, lizards, alligators, and other reptiles may or may not be your favorite animals, but certainly their brilliant design draws attention to their Designer.

  • If you are a Christian heading to campus for the first time, there are several things you need to know about living your faith while surrounded by atheistic professors. This wonderful guide for college students who find their faith and values under assault will help them navigate through classes while maintaining a good GPA and a positive college experience.

  • The insect world displays stunning variety from butterflies to ants to beetles to bees. This variety is not the result of evolution but of God’s creativity.

  • After animals came off the Ark following the Flood and spread across the earth, they established complex migratory patterns that continue to puzzle scientists.

  • Many animals, such as chimps, dolphins, and crows, are remarkably smart. These cleverly designed creatures clearly display the intelligence of their Creator.

  • Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?

    The media is constantly abuzz with dire news about global warming and climate change. What does biblical history add to the discussion?

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  • Is the earth unique and special, or is it just one of many similar habitable planets scattered across the universe?

  • The characteristics of math reflect characteristics of God, its Creator.

  • Was the Grand Canyon formed with a little bit of water over a long period of time or a lot of water over a little bit of time? What are the facts?

  • This revolutionary book has already opened the eyes of thousands of Christians showing why the traditional methods of evangelism are not reaching today’s humanistic, evolutionized culture. By applying proven soul-winning methods as found in the Scriptures, this book will revolutionize your witnessing. Why not encourage your pastors to read it too?

  • Flood legends abound globally across many distinct cultures. These legends point to the reality of the global Flood and the integrity of the account in Genesis.

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    Respostas en Xénese

    AiG Homepage for Galician

  • The central mission of every Christian should be proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. Creation evangelism provides the perfect platform!

  • Chemical Evolution: Based on (Blind) Faith Not Fact

    Non-creationist information theorist Hubert Yockey observed that the evolutionary conclusion on the origin of life has been accepted based on faith not fact.


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