Dan Lietha Articles

Latest Articles by Dan Lietha

  • This eye-opening volume deals with many Eastern religions like Hinduism, Taoism, New Age, Sikhism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Buddhism, as well as other pagan-based systems.

  • Biography
    John Rendle-Short

    Dr. John Rendle Short was a paediatrician in Australia for 24 years.

  • How do plate tectonics and continental drift fit with the Bible’s history? Can plate tectonics help explain the global Flood?

  • Do similarities in DNA between organisms suggest a common ancestor or a common Designer? Are chimps and humans actually 98% similar?

  • Explore our collection of free, faith-building videos on topics like creation, evolution, God, the Bible, science, age of the earth, animals, and worldview.

  • Snakes, lizards, alligators, and other reptiles may or may not be your favorite animals, but certainly their brilliant design draws attention to their Designer.

  • If you are a Christian heading to campus for the first time, there are several things you need to know about living your faith while surrounded by atheistic professors. This wonderful guide for college students who find their faith and values under assault will help them navigate through classes while maintaining a good GPA and a positive college experience.

  • Big bangs and stardust, primordial soup, meteorites with amino acids, or maybe aliens seeded life on earth? A Creator God is a much more logical choice.

  • Scripture declares there is only one race—the human race! Since we are all descendants of Adam and Eve and we are all one blood, there is no basis for racism.

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    Genesis Yanıtlar

    Turkish AiG Homepage

  • Do the potential benefits of embryonic stem cell research justify the destruction of human life? Or is there a viable alternative?

  • Science fiction has popularized the idea that—somewhere in space—ETs, aliens, and UFOs thrive. Do the Bible and the evidence support this notion?

  • This pack contains all three of the New Answers DVDs, answering 36 of the top questions from the New Answers Book.

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    Antworten in der Genesis

    AiG Homepage

  • The fossil record, billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth, is dramatic evidence of the historicity of Noah’s Flood.

  • In many of cases, manmade religions openly affirm that the Bible is true, but then something gets in their way. The common factor: man’s fallible opinions!

  • This revolutionary book has already opened the eyes of thousands of Christians showing why the traditional methods of evangelism are not reaching today’s humanistic, evolutionized culture. By applying proven soul-winning methods as found in the Scriptures, this book will revolutionize your witnessing. Why not encourage your pastors to read it too?

  • Yellowstone is probably the best area in the world to see how powerful volcanic eruptions and violent earth movements reshaped the earth´s surface.

  • ジカ熱、これはまさにパニックの要因となる最新のウイルスである。

  • People complain about The New Answers Book. They say that it’s so good at giving short, substantive answers that they want more. Well, we listened!


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