Carl R. Froede, Jr. Articles

Latest Articles by Carl R. Froede, Jr.

  • Marriage was instituted by God in Genesis. Therefore God alone has the right to declare what marriage is—and what it is not.

  • Evolutionists have made some pretty incredible admissions about the nature of evolution, science, and evidence that actually supports the biblical account.

  • Astronomers are constantly discovering extrasolar planets orbiting distant stars. Are these mysterious bodies other earths with the potential to contain life?

  • God has commanded man to be a good steward of the earth that He entrusted to us. In a time of almost cultish concern for the earth, how do Christians respond?

  • Eugenics, the sterilization of those considered “unfit,” is the logical conclusion when applying the principles of survival-of-the-fittest Darwinian evolution.

  • How should a follower of Christ live, work, and witness in a sin-filled culture that rejects God and His Word?

  • Both the media and popular culture are saturated in the hype of global warming and climate change. How should Christians understand this sensitive issue?

  • What are some of the values Christians should draw from the Bible and steadfastly hold to?

  • Young-earth creationists believe that God created the universe, and everything in it, recently because this is what the Word of God clearly teaches.

  • Christian parents have the humbling and difficult responsibility to assure that their children are given a solid foundation in the things of God.

  • Survival of the fittest is not evolution. It is a fact of life in a world that has been tainted with death and bloodshed since Adam rebelled against his Maker.

  • Visit of the Magi

    Approximately 2,000 years ago, some wise men traveled from the east to find the newborn king of the Jews. Their journey provides an object lesson for us today.

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • Do studies that use mutation rates to calibrate a “molecular clock” confirm or deny the evolutionary model? Are the assumptions in such calibrations correct?

  • RATE: Overturning Millions of Years

    Cutting-edge research by the RATE team has vividly shown that radiometric dating is founded upon unprovable assumptions and cannot accurately date rocks.

  • Jonah Was in the Fish . . . 3,000 Years?

    Why is it that we understand what “day” means in every other place in Scripture, except Genesis 1? Is this due to ambiguity in the text or outside influences?

  • Genesis: Does It Matter?

    Many Christians say it doesn’t matter what you believe about Genesis and the question of origins or Earth’s age. The gospel, however, rests upon Genesis!

  • Is Anyone out There?

    Among the innumerable galaxies of our universe are various planets, some similar in shape and size to Earth. Could some of these distant planets harbor life?

  • The fascinating study of microbiology reveals the unbelievable diversity of microscopic organisms—some that even dwell in toxic sea vents and the Dead Sea!

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  • Comets can’t last even hundreds of thousands of years. The bright tail of the comet reminds us that the universe is young—just as the Bible says!


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