Abner Chou Articles

Latest Articles by Abner Chou

  • High atop the mountain of Mauna Kea is the home of the world´s largest astronomical observatory where eleven different countries run telescopes.

  • Flood legends abound globally across many distinct cultures. These legends point to the reality of the global Flood and the integrity of the account in Genesis.

  • The Bible reveals God as the Creator of the universe who carefully fashioned mankind in His very own image.

  • The Higgs boson, nicknamed the “God particle,” reveals nothing about the origin of the universe—but it does divulge secrets about how the universe operates.

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  • Lucy: Did She Walk Like Us?

    Lucy is hailed as a missing link in our evolutionary lineage from ape-like ancestors. Did Lucy walk like us or does the evidence show her as a tree-dweller?

  • The New Answers Book 1 is packed with biblical answers to over 25 of the most important questions on creation/evolution and the Bible.

  • There are several popular arguments that creationists should not use simply because they are outdated or contain misinformation.

  • What mysterious quality makes a creature alive at one moment but is absent the instant the creature dies? The Bible answers the question, “What is life?”

  • Should Christians push for legislation to have “creationism” or Intelligent Design taught at their local public school?

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D, serves as President of Colorado Biblical University.

  • How should the Ice Age, glaciers, and wooly mammoths be understood within the framework of the Bible’s history?

  • Geology overwhelmingly supports the historicity of the global Flood. Sediments were rapidly deposited, forming most of the fossil-bearing rock layers.

  • This pack contains all three of the New Answers DVDs, answering 36 of the top questions from the New Answers Book.

  • Three Persons yet one essence—the doctrine of the Trinity may be difficult to understand, but it is an essential, non-negotiable doctrine.

  • How should we read the Bible to ensure that we arrive at the correct interpretation?

  • Is the Bible just a dusty, old book filled with contradictions and myths, or is it the true revelation of history from the omniscient God?

  • As rovers and probes are sent to explore the uncharted surface of Mars, the discoveries are exciting. How should Bible-believing Christians view these finds?


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