Meet the Answers Bible Curriculum Team

by Avery Foley on November 15, 2019

Answers Bible Curriculum wouldn’t be possible without the amazing team God has brought together. These servants are using their talents and gifts to offer you a great curriculum that stands on the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse and points to the hope we find in Christ.

We want to introduce you to the team over the next few months, giving you the opportunity to meet the writers and designers who produce the materials you are using in your classrooms and school rooms. As each person is featured, please consider praying for them as they continue to work to bring you lessons that will impact future generations.

Here is a photo featuring the writers and editors of ABC. But, as you’ll see over the next few months, they are just a small part of the team that makes ABC possible.

ABC Team

And, of course, we also don’t want to forget the many other teams within the ministry who help bring ABC to your hands or computers: Web Development, Customer Service, Warehouse, Printing, Marketing, Video Production, Online Store, and others. It truly is an “all hands on deck” effort!

Thanks for your support, and we pray God will continue to use ABC to bless your church and family.

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