
on July 1, 2019


Kepler-452b, illustrated here, is one of the nearly 4,000 exoplanets scientists predict might have water.

After analyzing the almost 4,000 exoplanets we’ve so far discovered, scientists have concluded that as many as 1,400 may have abundant water. Because they believe that life evolved on earth, the idea of water on other planets makes scientists optimistic that life may have developed on many of those planets too.

Note, they haven’t actually discovered water on 1,400 planets. Only a few are known to have water on their surfaces, but based on comparisons of the masses of various exoplanets as well as “a well-established theory of how planets evolve,” astronomers are optimistic that water worlds abound. And that, of course, means life.

Or does it? These scientists base their prediction of so many water worlds not on direct observation but on theories of planetary evolution which have never been corroborated by direct observation. On top of all this speculation scientists pile the assumption that water inevitably leads to life.

In their assumptions, scientists ignore the most well-established and universally accepted law of biology. The law of biogenesis states that life never comes from nonlife.

Evolutionary scientists want to find life elsewhere in the universe to bolster their evolutionary worldview. But the assumptions they make in the process are often a real stretch. And all the evolutionary speculation in the universe won’t put life where God didn’t create it.

Article was taken from Answers magazine, January–February, 2019, 20.