Knowing how to balance our responsibilities is never easy, but God has not left us in the dark.
After God cursed the earth, the war between man and weeds began. And the weeds seem to have the upper hand.
By studying the diversity of animals on Noah’s ship, we can understand how many creatures were destroyed in the flood and how so few animals repopulated the earth with the variety we enjoy today.
The existence of venom in so many animals has long challenged creationists. How did it show up in a very good creation?
The answers will always be in Genesis because Genesis 1–11 is the foundation for everything!
Something very special for men is coming to the Ark Encounter.
For the first time, scientists made a hybrid cell by combining yeast and E. coli bacteria.
Should God’s Word or man’s feckless opinion rule in our lives and laws? Clearly, evil will rule if God’s people remain silent.
The various areas of AiG’s ministry impact lives for eternity.
Even snow harbors its own microscopic garden of life that we have only just unearthed within the last decade.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.