All humans are descended from Adam and Eve and so all are related and need the salvation offered by the Last Adam, Jesus. From a biblical perspective, there is one biological race. This is confirmed by scientific studies on the human genome. Biblically and scientifically there is no defense of racism.
From Check This Out
The term race is often used to classify people based almost solely on physical characteristics. According to evolutionary ideas, these so-called races descended from different ancestors separated by location and time. However, based on biblical history, the term race must be incorrect. We are all one race (“one blood” in Acts 17:26), the human race.
It’s not just “black” and “white.” A person’s skin shade (what is on the outside) should in no way invoke any sort of prejudice or racist comments. What a difference we would see in our world if people reacted in accord with biblical principles, understanding all humans are equal before God, and all are sinners in need of salvation.
In the U.S. culture we are racially programmed, particularly in regard to the skin color issue. Because of our culture’s racist roots, the way the world thinks, and the influence of Darwinian thinking, we have been programmed to look at the exterior rather than the interior of a person. We need to begin to see as God sees.
A significant number of Christians would claim that such “interracial” marriages directly violate God’s principles in the Bible and should not be allowed. Does the Word of God really condemn the marriages mentioned above? Is there ultimately any such thing as interracial marriage?
Charles Darwin’s evolutionary philosophy was fertile soil in which the atrocity of racism quickly took root and grew.
The Tower of Babel, where God divided the languages, is the correct starting point for understanding the origin of language, culture, and the people groups.
One of the most divisive issues in our churches is “race,” right?
Genesis is clear that there is only one race—the human race. So why isn’t the church leading the fight against racism?
No matter where you minister, the standard for truth is the same—God’s Word.
We shouldn’t try to reconcile Christianity and Marxism
What a huge difference it made when Aborigines learned—from Genesis—we’re all one big family.
The undercurrent of Critical Race Theory is tugging students away from the truth of God’s Word. How should parents and educators respond?
When an adoptive Christian family looked beneath the surface of their DNA tests, they discovered an amazing truth, providing powerful evidence that we are all “one blood,” as the Bible teaches.
The LGBTQ+ movement has co-opted the Civil Rights movement in practice and in public perception to the detriment of history and morals in society.
Grace is at work on earth! Regardless of opposition, if one perseveres in pursuit of the dream, he can expect grace victories.
While many call for better race relations, God’s call for “grace relations” will help bring a more lasting and eternal peace among all peoples.
What the Bible says about “interracial” marriage, being equally yoked, dating someone from a different religion, and God’s call to purity.
Racism is a consequence of sin in a fallen world infused with evolutionary thinking. The consequences of racism on a personal and social level are huge.
Chapter 2 of One Race One Blood: A brief history of racism in the United States and in the church with an overview of efforts to address these problems with the gospel
An overview of Ken Ham and Dr. Charles Ware's book, the roots of modern racism in Darwinian evolution, and the biblical diagnosis and soluiton for racism in our day
Christians who want to take action against racism are pressured to agree with culture’s directives, philosophies, and motivations for social justice.
Humans can’t fix this planet—it’s doomed in its current state. And sadly, the majority of people are also doomed, but there’s real hope!
Just because a family member looks a little different doesn’t make her a different race—even if she’s adopted.
Terms like racism, prejudice, a black race, and a white race are common in news items these days. How should God’s people respond to matters of “race”?
The April 2018 National Geographic is dedicated to “the complicated issue of race” with the cover story featuring twins, Marcia and Millie Biggs.
Race can’t be ignored anymore. There’s a deadly problem. And it turns out that the Bible has the one answer that matters. Really.
Interest in both the biblical and scientific aspects of creation is exploding in the Spanish-speaking world.
Eighteen-year-old Lucy and Maria Aylmer encounter disbelief when they tell people they’re twins—or even that they’re sisters.
Bill Nye recently said, “We’re all the same . . . from a scientific standpoint there’s no such thing as race”—a biblical, not an evolutionary, view of humanity.
Pastor Fredrick Boyd, who leads an inner-city ministry in south Indianapolis, has been a keen observer of racial conflict in America.
The Singerl twins are a vivid reminder that we are all members of one race.
What if a Chinese person were to marry a Polynesian, or an African with black skin were to marry a Japanese—would these marriages be in accord with biblical principles?
We reap the consequences of unquestioned evolutionary belief every day in the form of prejudice, racism, and hate. This needs to stop!
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., responds to a reader who believes that human “races” are proof of evolution.
Interracial marriage is an issue for some . . . but not for God.
Out of Britain comes more news that upsets the idea of “race.”
We all have the same basic brown pigment, and we belong to one race—the human race—descended from Adam.
It’s a sad case of violence in Iraq: evidence of human-on-human violence from more than 50,000 years ago (allegedly).
A special exhibition on racism and the “races” is traveling across America. While interesting, there some glaring oversights included.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.